I was very excited when I got a coupon to try Revlon's PhotoReady make-up. It's not even on their website yet. With the product performance I experienced, it won't be.
If you are a reader of da blog, you know that I'm not a fan of the super matte look. I like a little reflective property in a foundation or tinted moisturizer that mimics good skin. The marketing totally sucked me in with Hottie Halle Barry and "light reflective particles" and a COUPON: I know better now. In the words of the great songstress Kelis: you might trick me once, but your not gonna trick me twice. I'm on to you Revlon. You are suspect.
Let me just say that I have decent skin. I have a few fine lines, and some pore issues, but nothing major. I'm really just looking to cover up the pink and red tones that come with having skin the color of milk. I'm not looking for miracles, botox in a bottle, or anything crazy like that. I want a nice medium coverage base that will get me through the day at my marketing job without scaring any clients away. I wanna be me, but butter. That's a typo but it stays because butter is delicious. I also properly prepare my skin for make-up. I clean it. Exfoliate it. Moisturize it. Wear sun screen. I'll even wear a primer if I need to. I'm dedicated to a make-up's success. I'm its freakin' cheerleader.
Revlon Photoready foundation acted like I had done none of those things. It settled into every nook and cranny in my face. I looked like an English muffin. I didn't even know half of this stuff was happening on my face. It was a bad surprise, like The Others on Lost or the end of The Sopranos. My skin looked rough, flaky, and nasty. I looked like Britney post-breakdown. It was tragic. I have ok skin, and it did this to me. I can't imagine what it would do if you really had an issue you needed to deal with. Probably make you look like Gollum or the Crypt Keeper. Or Joan Rivers.
It also made my nose itch. That might have been the first twitches of rage I was feeling about this product though. This is the Gigli of foundations. Stay away from it. Hopefully they will yank it soon and we will all be safe once more.
I'm not the only gal that's had a bad experience. I feel validated.
Thanks for the tip!